Indexing, Abstracting, Database, Catalogue, Reference citation etc.
APSR journal is striving to be enlisted our journal in reputed indexing services or journal evaluation services or catalogue or reference citations, in continuous quality improvement aspect.
In General Abstracting and Indexing helps providers and viewers only facilitate a searchable database with relevant articles with subject, author, and title access to individual articles from a specific contents of journals included in their database. Presently, Google Scholar is the largest Abstracting and Indexing online service and you can search APSR articles using this service.
Authors, Reviewers should cross-check the validity of claims of indexing before submitting to any publisher like our journal ie APSR. APSR recommend strongly to adhere consent details by authors before submission of manuscripts for publication.
In addition, authors should visit the official site of the indexing organization or journal evaluation services before submitting any manuscript. We hope scholarly communities will appreciate our efforts to maintain integrity and transparency. We are also providing services of article pre-submission desk help to carter the scientific community.
APSR processing many more Indexing, Abstracting, Database, Catalogue, Reference citation in progress APSR Editorial Managerial Team in progress.
Indexed and Abstracted / Bibliographic listing in:
Chemical Abstracts
Open J gate
Index Copernicus
Ulrich's International
Googe Scholar
and Still More Indexing, Abstracting, Database, Catalogue, Reference citation are in progress |